A construction site manager and an HR rep share what in common? Contracts.
Lumin staff
Oct 30, 2023
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5 mins

Younger people of generation Y and Z have come to the market. They are different - they do not know much about workflow, but they also teach us a lot and do not give in to pressure.
Table of Contents
1. Human resources manager: Who is it?
2. Construction site manager: Who is it?
3. What kinds of documents does the construction site manager need?
4. Documents useful to both the personnel officer and the construction site manager
5. Form the staffing schedule
6. Determine the required number of local regulations
- 1. Human resources manager: Who is it?
- 2. Construction site manager: Who is it?
- 3. What kinds of documents does the construction site manager need?
- 4. Documents useful to both the personnel officer and the construction site manager
- 5. Form the staffing schedule
- 6. Determine the required number of local regulations
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They value communication and a relaxed, cheerful communication style. How can you help newbies to professionalize? How to explain to them who the HRs and construction site managers are and what they have in common?
Why are these professions needed? How to train and develop youngsters to work with documents? How to harness Generations Y and Z's potential? Saying a construction site manager and HR are alike is like calling a programmer a computer-guy. So what do they have in common? Both the HR and the construction site manager are the people who are responsible for organizing the HR administration. Determine who is responsible for the state of HR record-keeping at the employer. All employers are very different. They differ in the number of staff, field of activity, staff turnover, management approaches, economic opportunities.
Human resources manager: Who is it?

An HR manager is a general concept, and it includes everything that is in one way or another related to personnel management. Even though HR performs many functions, globally, they can all be divided into attraction and retention. Much attention is paid to these concepts in HR training. The attraction is recruiting in IT, the primary function of finding and recruiting the right people. A recruiter's main clients are the company and the candidate, and the main goal is to keep both clients happy. If they are entirely suitable for each other, then the benefit from their cooperation will be maximum. Trust is one of the key concepts in a recruiter's work and, perhaps, the main thing that distinguishes a good recruiter from a bad one. Also, knowledge of psychology and the business in which you work is essential to understand people competently, and correctly assess their qualities and needs.
The function of retention is not to forcibly keep people in the company with the help of a contract or something else, but to create the most comfortable conditions under which people will want to stay in their current place. This is what individual HR specialists of the company are doing. They are engaged in building a motivation system, assessing personnel, developing professional and personal qualities, and much more. An HR manager's functionality in a large company is so broad that if you were to describe it in full, you’d get a small book. What do HR and a recruiter have in common? An essential quality of both an HR specialist and a recruiter is love for people. The time had already passed when personnel was regarded as purely a labor resource. More and more companies place people, their personality, creativity, and well-being at the center of their corporate culture. Therefore, the HR-sphere is developing more and more active every year so that as many people as possible are in the right place and feel happy.
Construction site manager: Who is it?
Any production team needs competent leadership. Especially when it comes to constructing a large facility on which hundreds of specialists are working. Competently distributing responsibilities, arranging the supply of building materials, drawing up schedules, thinking over the logistics of delivering goods, settling disputes and conflicts are precisely what the construction site manager does. It is under their leadership that all the work is done.
Construction site manager - who is this? The name of the profession comes from the acronym "Worker." So this position appears in all official documents. It is the construction site manager who directly manages the construction of the facility. They also bear personal responsibility both for the quality of construction and for the team's health. There may be several construction site managers at a construction site, each of which monitors its site.
For example, some are responsible for constructing frame structures, others for finishing work, and still others for laying communications. What a construction site manager should know for construction: organization of the work process; tracking the rate of production by employees; control of the date of delivery of the object; drawing up and tracking requests for the necessary inventory; coordination of construction material supply schedules; expense accounting; control over compliance with safety regulations; labor protection standards; organization of security; educational work in the team.
If the construction is large, then the construction site manager does not do all the work alone. In their subordination are the foremen of the sections, supervisors, and other workers. At the same time, they are subordinate to the head of the construction site or the chief engineer. Since the construction site manager is personally responsible for the quality of his subordinates' work, one of the essential qualities for him is selecting a team. The manager must be well versed in people and know the essence of the work they do.
Most often, good construction site managers are made up of former bricklayers, electricians, installers, welders, and other specialists. Sometimes there are also specialists with higher engineering education. The construction site manager's job responsibilities include estimating business and drawing up project documentation. Labor legislation, including provisions on labor protection, safety, sanitary standards at construction sites, etc. Urban planning norms and the order of delivery/acceptance of the object. The procedure for relations with contractors and subcontractors.
For successful work with a team, negotiating is useful, since it is the construction site manager who resolves conflicts in the team. They most often personally make decisions about dismissal or hiring. Besides, at a construction site, wages are often piece-rate, so the construction site manager also solves salaries and bonuses for builders. There are several ways to become a construction site manager. The first is to get an education at a higher educational institution with a diploma in industrial and civil engineering. Specialties related to transport construction, engineering network design, and road construction will also be suitable.
After that, you will need to undergo practical training and experience at the construction site yourself. After receiving a diploma, a specialist seldom becomes a construction site manager because he lacks practical skills. Often his career will begin as a foreman. In all versions, the main document will be the builder's qualification certificate issued by a special commission of the Ministry of Construction. Having a university diploma is preferable for starting a construction site and working as a construction site manager. To improve managerial competencies, a specialist can take additional construction site manager courses, which will help quickly climb the career ladder. The profession is in demand in cities with active construction.
Also, a qualified specialist can work throughout the country building extensive facilities. Some specialists are involved in international construction projects. The main requirement for construction site managers is work experience. Most often, employers need builders with 6 to 10 years of industry experience. Applicants should pay attention to the availability of direct vacancies for a construction site manager and from an employer. In this case, workers are selected directly by the builder, not by a recruiting agency, which may not know all the nuances of the profession.

What kinds of documents does the construction site manager need?
During construction and installation works, the construction site manager maintains the primary technical documentation. First, a general journal and special journals by type of work established in a construction organization project or a workshop production project. The general journal is compiled by the general contractor in agreement with the subcontracted construction and installation organizations. Also, these documents and contracts will be useful:
- Designer supervision journal of design organizations;
- Certificates of inspection of hidden works,
- Acts of intermediate acceptance of critical structures,
- Acts of testing and testing of systems, networks, and devices;
- A set of blueprints of the building with signatures;
- Workplace briefing journal on labor protection and safety;
- Consignment notes;
- Limit fence cards;
- Reporting documentation for the write-off of necessary building materials;
- General journal of works in construction;
- Certificate of completed construction and installation work.
Documents useful to both the personnel officer and the construction site manager
Personnel documents are a relatively extensive list of papers in any company or individual entrepreneur where there are employees. Some of them concern the general organizational issues of personnel. Others relate to the calculation and payment of salaries, and still others - to the current problem of personal data protection. Accordingly, various state structures control one or another "personal" issue: the labor inspection can check such personnel documents of the organization.
Labor contracts. Each employee must have a written employment contract. It is necessary to draw up and sign a contract within three days from the beginning of employment. The employment contract is drawn up in 2 copies, and one of them is handed over to the employee. Personal cards of employees. To be filled in for all employees. The card can be maintained in a unified form, or you can use a self-developed form approved by the head. A personal card is a mandatory personnel document.
Job descriptions. On the one hand, the job description is not included in the personnel department's mandatory documents, since the company decides for itself whether to develop it or not. On the other hand, when a disputable situation with an employee occurs, it can be beneficial to have this on hand.
Internal labor regulations. This personnel document prescribes the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the parties' rights and obligations, working hours, rest time, incentives and penalties, etc. The new employee must be familiarized with the Rules against signature.
Vacation schedule. It is a mandatory personnel document. The schedule is drawn up by the head of the HR department (if there is one) or a construction site manager and signed by the CEO. This must be done no later than two weeks before starting the new calendar year. All employees must be familiar with the document.
Regulation on personal data. The list of personnel documents, which must be in any company. The Regulation prescribes personal data composition, the procedure for their processing and transfer to third parties, the rights and obligations of employees during processing, etc.
Consent to the processing of personal data. You cannot process an employee's data until the employee has given consent to their processing. Consent must be obtained in writing from each employee. Fines are provided for the lack of consent to the processing of personal data.
Regulations on wages. The Regulation on remuneration is drawn up when the organization and salaries provide for other payments (for example, bonuses) or different remuneration systems operate.
Timesheets. The company keeps track of the time worked by each employee. For this, a timesheet is used or developed by the employer independently. Based on the timesheet, salaries are calculated, and payrolls are filled out. The timesheet is included in the organization's primary personnel documents.
Orders. Various non-standardized order forms, drawn up by the company independently, can also be included in mandatory personnel documents. Orders for the main activity are issued on issues related to the organization's work as a legal entity.
Both HR manager and construction site manager should study in the constituent documents the authority's issue to decide on the conclusion, termination of employment contracts, on the approval of local regulations, etc. A typical mistake in the employment contract: the head of the company is registered in the constituent documents by the authorized person of the employer, in the preamble of the employment contracts, the head acting based on the charter is indicated, and at the end of the employment contract the head of the HR department or the deputy general director puts a signature on the part of the employer, etc.
Form the staffing schedule
Why is the staffing schedule one of the first documents directly related to a personnel officer's labor function? The staffing schedule is a document of an organizational and administrative nature, which essentially answers what kind of labor functions the employer is experiencing.
The staffing schedule can be approved in a unified form or develop and approve its form (preferably as an annex to its accounting policy). Under the qualification directory of positions, the labor economist is engaged in developing the staffing schedule. But not all employers have such happiness (labor economist). Therefore, the person responsible for developing the staffing schedule is the one whose job responsibilities include developing the draft staffing schedule. It is approved by the order and kept permanently. There are no legislative restrictions on the number of changes to the staffing schedule.
Determine the required number of local regulations
Local regulations are a voluminous topic. Experts often ask for a "magic pill of happiness" in the form of an exhaustive list of local regulations that are binding on them. But there is no universal, suitable list for all employers. There are a few rules to keep in mind. Only employers classified as micro-entrepreneurs can wholly or partially abandon local regulations, provided that they transfer those issues that should be resolved in local regulations to a standard form of an employment contract. All other employers are required to have the required number of local regulations in place. There is a list of local regulations that are mandatory for all employers:
- Internal labor regulations,
- Local regulations that establish wage systems,
- Local regulations that establish the procedure for personal data processing
- Workers' rights legislation.
Pay attention to the local normative act that establishes remuneration systems: as such, in an independent form, such as regulation on remuneration, it may also not exist if the remuneration system is spelled out in the employer's internal labor regulations or collective agreement.
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