
Lumin Sign signature workflows

Streamline customer-facing documentation with legally-compliant digital signatures and contract tracking.

Hero Intro Sign

Automate client management

  • Stay in control

    Stay in control

    Don’t let anything slip. Track multiple deals from start to finish with full visibility.
  • Captivate your clients

    Captivate your clients

    Capture information and close deals with a seamless experience your clients will love.
  • Do more in one place

    Do more in one place

    Throw your printer out and level up productivity with a full-loop workflow tool.

Lumin Sign gets
the job done

Multiple signers

Streamline your workflow by sending one document to up to 20 people for signing – at one time.

Multiple signers

Legally binding signatures

Digital signatures are just as secure as wet ones; even more so, thanks to cutting-edge cryptography.

Legally binding signatures

Automate progress

Follow contracts from sent to signed, and set automatic reminders for everyone involved.

Automate progress

Work across devices

Lumin Sign works from your computer, tablet, Chromebook or phone. Sign from anywhere.

Work across devices
Multiple signers
Legally binding signatures
Automate progress
Work across devices

Legally binding digital signatures

Lumin Sign is a secure and legally binding way to sign. We undergo third-party audits to ensure we’re offering best practice security measures, including encryption and physical security measures.

A streamlined workflow

  • Upload



    Choose a template or upload a form or contract

  • Invite



    Invite signers and select a due date

  • Assign



    Assign signatures and initial fields

  • Send



    Send, track and set reminders


Browse our extensive library of forms and templates. We’ve got what you need to tackle any task: tax forms, contract templates, health and safety checklists, onboarding forms and much more.

Browse all templates

Lumin Sign for everyone

  • Free


    For light users we have a simple, easy-to-use option. Assign contacts to fields and send off 5 documents per month.

  • Pro


    Our Pro plan is for power users. Assign fillable fields, track contracts, send reminders and much more.

  • Enterprise


    Our Enterprise is designed for large businesses. Keep control of hundreds of contracts, integrate with our API, and personalize emails.

Documents signed in minutes, not days

Documents signed in minutes, not days