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How to fill out a 1099 form


Haylee Fortune


Jan 9, 2024


How To

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3 mins

How to fill out a 1099 form

Easily find, fill and send a 1099 form using these easy instructions, including fillable 1099 forms at your fingertips.

Table of Contents

  • 1. What is a 1099 form?

  • 2. How can I get a 1099 form online?

  • 3. How do I fill out a 1099 form online?

  • 1. What is a 1099 form?
  • 2. How can I get a 1099 form online?
  • 3. How do I fill out a 1099 form online?

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Keeping track of paperwork is hard enough. Don't complicate it. You can fill out a 1099 online easily. We'll walk you through, how to fill a 1099, how to sign it, and where to send it.

What is a 1099 form?

A 1099 form, is a document sent to you by an entity that paid you certain types of income throughout the tax year.

This could be related to a contract for a set period, freelance work or similar. Essentially it’s any income earned outside of your regular job.

There are many types of 1099 form: common ones include the 1099-NEC (freelance income) and the 1099-INT (interest earned from a bank or other financial institution). This article breaks it down well.

We’d also suggest checking out the frequently asked questions section of the IRS website for some useful nuggets.

The payee will send you a 1099 form in relation to funds sent, but this doesn’t necessarily mean you owe tax on that income. You might have deductions that offset the income, or it might be protected based on the nature of how it was obtained.

Keep your 1099 forms stored away until it’s time to submit your tax return to the IRS.

How can I get a 1099 form online?

Finding, opening, downloading, uploading to an online editor (or printing and scanning), filling and signing, re-downloading and sending… It’s a time-consuming process that makes an already-painful task that much worse. But there's a way to cut the whole process in half, starting with finding it.

1. Head to Template Discovery and use the search bar to look up "1099 form", then click the form that best suits your needs.

2. Done.

You've found it. Template Discovery is a home to thousands of curated templates, so whatever type of 1099 you need - it's probably in there.

How do I fill out a 1099 form online?

Stay right where you are! Template Discovery isn't just a library of forms - it's a portal to all the tools you need to complete them, too. In just a few clicks, you'll be signing and sending a completed 1099:

1. If you haven't done it already, just type 1099 form into the search bar and locate the appropriate version. You can also specify the subtext for the form you need to make it easier to find, e.g. 1099-INT.

2. Click Preview template, then Use this template to open it in the Lumin editor.

3. The form should be completely fillable with all fields highlighted. You can type straight in to the document and enter all the information required.

4. Download your 1099 for sending, or make the 1099 recipient's life a bit easier by clicking Share and then Invite people. Add their email address and they’ll receive a direct, secure link to view and save the document. This keeps the form in Lumin's cloud storage, which will make it easier for the recipient to keep track of and revisit their 1099 forms for the next tax year.

Looking for a similar template? Explore the full Templates Discovery section of Lumin for thousands of up to date, fillable templates and get that admin off your to-do list!

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